Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So much to do....So little time :)

WOW....I cannot believe it has already been an entire week since we have started back to school.  I am so sorry that I haven't posted in about a week.  There is so much going on but it feels like no time to post.  I will get better, I promise.
We have been so busy this past week. We have been working on our classroom routines, turning our "Kindergarten brains" into First Grade thinkers, and turning our class into a "team."  I am so happy to have your students in my class. We are getting off to a great start.  I hope that they are exploding with all that we've done each day when they come home, but I am sure like most kids....they forgot! :) That is okay...I am going to try and update this often to fill you in.
In reading this week, we have talked about how to become a good reader.  I have let them "shop" for books and choose their "just right" books to read at their desks.  I have also taught them about reading stamina.  We are working hard to sit in our seats for 10 minutes and read without being distracted.  They love when I walk around the room and tap on them or try to distract them.  Most of the children are doing AWESOME. :) I have a few that still get tricked, but they think it's funny! :)
In writing we are starting to work on the 6 traits of writing.  But we did sneak in a good "I am special" writing activity after reading the Rainbow Fish story.  They LOVED creating their very own Rainbow Fish.
This week I taught the kids about our first 3 of 15 stations.  Yes, I said 15.  We have a total of 5 days with 3 stations each day (total=15).  This way I only have 2 students at a station at a time, and I don't have to worry so much about children not doing the right thing or getting so loud.  Once all 15 are introduced and practiced, I will begin my guided reading groups.
We have also been working on our "About Me" posters that you will get to see on Open House night...Sept. 6th at 6:00pm. I hope to see all of you there :)
Your children have been working hard in the classroom and I hope that you see that at home too.  Thank you for sharing your kids with me this year.  I will update this as often as I can to keep you informed on what's happening in our class! :) Thanks for all of your help and donations!
Group 1

Group 4

Group 5

Group 3

Group 6

Group 2

Here is the "Station Location" with all 15 stations!

Our Reading Counts board...I will begin this soon.  

The "Be A Bucket Filler" board, a work in progress...a positive motivator for "sweet" behavior!

One board outside our room in the hallway. Check out our Rainbow Fish!

The other board outside in the hallway!

Here is an up close example of Madison's Rainbow Fish! Her paper says, "I am special because I am a model." :) 

On the outside of our class door. Our students have just "sailed into first grade"

A little close up of our class friends

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The place to be....Mrs. West's Class :)

your view when you walk in the door (bright colorful cubbies in the back right)

Calendar/station board

Our classroom door...I will be adding the kids' pictures to this soon!

Some of the "reading area" and the word wall :) 

Bathroom door (classroom jobs) and sink area.

Publishing place aka the writing area

Group 1 and my desk in the corner
The view from my reading table looking towards the front of the classroom.

Here it of our classroom!  I am super happy that my classroom is so bright and colorful and that my wonderful kiddos get to experience it :) 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ready or Not, Here it Comes.....BACK TO SCHOOL!

It's that time again...summer comes to an end and we all prepare for another year back at school.  Tonight was our "Meet the Teacher" night at school and it was my first realization that yes, summer is actually over and the school year has begun!  I enjoyed meeting my new first grade friends tonight.  The kids were so excited and showed a great deal of enthusiasm as to starting off a new school year.  I couldn't believe how much their little faces lit up when asked the question, "Are you excited about first grade?"  I am so excited to start a new year with my new friends and I cannot wait to see what happens this year.  We are going to have so much fun and believe it or not, we are going to be learning! :)   I will add pictures of our classroom soon.  I am very new to the blogging community and am taking baby steps!  I look forward to a fun and exciting year with my little ones!