Tuesday, January 31, 2012

100th Day of School!!!!!

YAY!  We have made it 100 days through this school year. I seriously cannot believe it has already come and now it's gone.  80 more days of school....over half way till the end....UNBELIEVABLE...this year is flying by.  We have had a WONDERFUL 100th day of school.  We did lots of 100th day activities...in fact, EVERYTHING we did involved the number 100! :) Check out some of our fun!!!
The entrance to our classroom...Let's CELEBRATE :) 

Yes...Even Mrs. West dresses up...or it wouldn't be as fun :) (Or you could say...this is what long days of teaching can do to a girl....:) ) Nah.. 

My sweet little friends that came in today as 100 year olds. :) so funny!

Our Whole Class (with our 100 crowns)

Math Activity (Tallies to 100- rolling the die and drawing tally marks in groups of 5 to 100, the first one to 100 WINS). (Genavieve & Abigail)

Elijah & Zachary

Fun Activity: Jump for 100 seconds (they didn't think that was a long time until they felt like they were jumping for forever, and it had only been 30 seconds...haha)

Blink for 100 seconds...they looked so cute doing this...haha

Destiny V. blinking

Back Write for 100 seconds... 

See how many cheese chunk words you can write in 100 seconds. The highest was 16!

See how many word wall words you can write in 100 seconds...The highest was 24!

Can you eat an entire lollipop by licking it 100 times???

Hmm Can you?? Nope! But it was fun trying!

We wrote about what we would be like when we are 100 years old...

100's day Trail Mix (Each person had to get 10 of each item and put it on their trail mix page.  Once they had 10 of each item...they ended up with 10 groups of 10 with a total of .... YEP, 100!!!

Almost done...

YAY... (10 conversation hearts, 10 M&M's, 10 goldfish, 10 chocolate chips, 10 skittles, 10 raisins, 10 Chex cereal, 10 pretzel sticks, 10 marshmallows, 10 cheerios= 100 items)

ONE COMPLETE 100th day trail m ix baggie... :) 

Thanks everyone for a WONDERFUL 100th day!!!!


Two of our friends spun the prize spinner for getting 3 jewels on their behavior clips and spun "SHOW & SHARE." Each of them brought their show and share item to tell us all about it! :) 
Destiny brought a Lollaloopsy doll :) 

Genavieve brought her favorite stuffed animal :) 

Children's Book Week

Children's Book Week was so much fun this year (last year it was kind of delayed, due to the week we were out because of snow...so not many people dressed up)!  We had something fun each day. Tuesday was "The Good Stuff is in the Middle" and we all ate Oreos...YUM!!!!!!!!!!  Wednesday was "Cuddle Up With A Good Book and Read" so we all wore PAJAMAS... Thursday was "Sweat it Out With A Good Book" so we all wore sweatshirts, and Friday was "Dress Up As Your Favorite Character!" I can't wait to share our fun pictures of our class! We get into the themed stuff, because when you are First Grade, it's hard NOT to have FUNNNN! :)
Everyone in their P.J.s :) 

They always have to do a "crazy" picture...because they're SOOO crazy :) 

Yeah, EVEN the teachers dress up! (Mrs. Darley as 3 little pigs, Mrs. Garrison as Cindy Lou Who, Miss Lewis as Pinkalicious, Mrs. Kellett as Goldilicious, Miss Smith as Purplicious, and Me as Arthur or course!)

All of us dressed as book characters showing our books too!

Elijah put on his "character" after we took our group shot so we had to get another one of him!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

October BME Stories: Kimberly, Kyle, Lee, Timothy, Zachary






October BME Stories: Gabbi, Hank, Joe, Karlye

Here are some more of the Beginning, Middle, & End stories from October.


Joe (the first page's sound didn't come up but we can still see a great picture and read the story page)


October BME Stories: Abigail, Brendan, Drake, Elijah

Sorry I haven't posted these yet, I had completely forgotten that I hadn't put them on the blog.  Here they are, better late than never!

Brendan (ignore me in the background, sorry Brendan)



Our Two New Friends!

The week we came back from Christmas Break, we lost two of our sweet friends, Ethan & Landon.  But, we were blessed with two new friends, Destiny P. & Sam.  We traded two boys for two girls...now we have a class with MORE girls than boys. The girls are excited about this. Ha!  :) Here is a picture of our new friends!
Introducing....Sam & Destiny P. 
Welcome to our class! We are so happy you are here! :)