Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Having fun & learning at the same time...Who Knew?

Today we had lots of fun reviewing "cause & effect" (What happened & Why it happened?) on the Smartboard using the Senteo Clickers.  The kids think they are "remotes" or "toys."  Every time we "play" with them, they always say, "I LOVE THIS GAME!"  Too bad they don't realize they are actually learning...SHHH, they may not know. :) I love using the Senteo clickers because I can see who knows the answers to my questions without cheating, lack of confidence when answering, worrying about what their friends choose, etc.  It is an easy way for them to input their answer choice and I can see who has answered and who hasn't.  The kids don't see what each person chooses or if their friend gets the answer wrong.  They just have fun while answering questions.  And at the same time, we sneak a little learning in here and there.  :) Here are a few fun pictures of our friends caught in the act! Enjoy :) 
They are always ready to learn when Senteos are involved.

Lock it in Lee!

patiently waiting for the others to lock in their answers :) 

looking to see who hasn't answered yet and trying to figure out the answer

Destiny's ready :) 

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